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Hey Mike,

I can’t thank you enough for everything I have learned and continue to learn from you on a daily basis. Everyday I learn something new. We both know I did not know much when I started 4mos ago. I would like people to know why I appreciate what you do everyday.

Mike’s ability to articulate, show and express the charts, why the markets are going the direction they are is unbelievable. He revisits underlining stocks, data coming out, risk/reward, charts, cycles you name it he covers it. Mike answers every question/concern you might have. He brings everything together so you understand.
I am more confident, knowledgeable and disciplined in my trades. I know when, why to place a trade, where to place my stop and what the target is. I appreciate all that I have learned and continue to learn form Mike! Respect the BLUE line and Mikes wisdom.

Thanks again!

P.B. March 2017


I absolutely love BottomLineTrades. The trading room lives up to its name!
Before I joined the room, I've been trading for over 30 years with no real progress. In and out of trading rooms and forums, reading tons of trading books and buying trading courses and indicators.On a Friday, after a big loss for the day which wiped out my hard earned gains for the week, I was almost to the point of "Trading is not for me!". I then came across TheFibDoctor on Stocktwits. I liked the posts with the entry and targets highlighted on chart after chart. I signed up for the 2 day open house which is shared by TheFibDoctor and BottomLineTrades.On the first day ,I remember Dave of TheFibDoctor saying "Folks this is really easy". I almost fell out of my chair and wanted to say "not if you looked at my trading account", but instead I watched, listened and learned.I made good money on both days of the open house. I was so impressed that I wasn't caught fighting against the trend as I usually am. I signed up with Mike at BottomLineTrades and took his training. It's one-on-one training and Mike goes over his charts, set-ups, indicators and more. He truly wants you to learn and understand completely.Mike's training was a huge paradigm shift for me! I've made more money since joining Mike's room (2 weeks) than I have in the past 9 months and I'm still learning!Mike, I'm so so thankful for your sharing of your invaluable knowledge, your patience and hand holding to make sure I truly understand the concepts. I've been so happy that I'm smiling ear-to-ear everyday! My financial dreams are coming true thanks to you and your trading room. Words can't express how happy and thankful I am. Dave's words of "Folks this is really easy" keeps ringing in my head and I now totally agree!Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart!


S.H. Sep 2016




Thank you very much for all the instruction, mentoring and most of all, for allowing me to see the big picture. My vision and understanding of support, resistance and targets has greatly improved. I have been in other trade rooms and taken other courses in the past but your teaching has made me profitable on a weekly basis. I highly recommend your methodology to any trader that wants to improve their strategy.

It truly was worth the cost.

I invested in myself and feel confident in trades.

Thanks again

W. Y. July 2016


Just for the record, I have no financial background and work full time. Let me begin.
Mike and Dave have been both, great instructors and coaches for me, why is that? Being in a few trade rooms and not getting the 1 on 1 attention/education that I have been missing over the years, cost me thousands. I found Dave on Stock twits, and his method was taught to me first and it was basically simple to follow and VERY profitable for me.
Remember all trades will not work, and you need to understand that, hope is not trading but with both methods you will see that clearly and cut loses quickly. Mike's method's was more detailed for me, it took me time as I am not a full time trader. I LISTEN and watch Mike go through all the charts daily at 9am and pay attention. He goes though each charts and makes heads or tails out of them. He points out important areas and you need to listen and pay attention to him. His training is well structured and done in a way that is understandable and well worth every penny that I have invested in their methodology. I have taken my account from 10,000.00 to 30,000.00 in less then a year. My motto is "if I can do it, you can do it."
R.B. June 2016


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